LEAP’s basic tools (5S, SMED, 8D, WSM) perpetuate in all of the
Group’s plants. The structures in place now make it possible
to use these tools every day, with full autonomy in the various
APUs (Autonomous Production Unit) and even within our APGs
(Autonomous Production Group). Indeed, to date we have over
400 certified LEAP leaders (worksite facilitators), averaging nearly
10 worksite facilitators per plant.
This autonomy of the field teams allows our Lean experts to focus
on the deployment of advanced tools such as VSM, tight flows,
6 Sigma or TPM. These tools primarily impact the “Just in time”
right pillar of our LEAP house and help produce closer to customer
demand by improving control of our production lead-time.
The deployment of these tools allows the plants to improve the
return on investment, to produce at lower cost and to better
engage customers, all this by controlling and reducing inventory.
The impact on operational indicators such as VA/MS, the costs of
non-quality, the level of inventory and the customer service levels,
is real.
This program covers issues related to management of risks
related to health, safety and the environment.
It has already significantly reduced the exposure of employees
to major risks associated with their work. The program,
launched in 2014, has become the common foundation for
the deployment of the Group’s HSE strategy worldwide.
It applies the same continuous improvement methods (in
the measurement-analysis-improvement iterative mode) to
all organizational and management functions.
After the initial evaluation phase, each site will build its
action plan that will enable it to improve the robustness
and efficiency of its business processes. The program will
address all levels of the organization, from plant to LISI
Group, to the Business Groups and the divisions by 2018.
One of the main objectives is to put management at the
heart of operational and decision-making systems.
It can be used to assess in a rigorous and
standardized manner the gains from a LEAP
project, or to ensure the reliability of product
databases (BOMs, ranges, etc.) that underlie
the LEAP sites.
LISI System is based on three framework programs
that affect all Group functions.
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rmation disclosed herein is LISI’s exclusive property. It is strictly confidential and cannot be reproduced, used or disclosed to anyone without prior written permission of LISI.
LISI Excellence Achievement Program
HSE Excellence
Controlling Operating System