LISI 2012
reduction in workplace
accidents in comparison
with 2011
TF1 = 13.7
TF1 is the number of accidents with
and without lost time per million hours
TFO = 8.0
TF0 is the number of accidents with lost
time per million hours worked.
TGO = 0.23
TG0 is the number of days lost per thousand
hours worked.
in material handling equipment. All the plants are putting
in place a health and safety management system in accor-
dance with the international OHSAS 18001 standard.
At the end of 2012, seven plants out of 35 were already
OHSAS 18001 certified.
Concerning the behavioral aspects
73% of workplace accidents involving time off have a
behavioral component, whether conscious or uncons-
cious. The actions undertaken to encourage awareness
and individual prevention are of two types.
ment and operators. They involve all the managers. The
selected approach is to observe a workshop operator, to
identify his good practices as well as any dangerous situa-
tions. Subsequently, the manager engages in dialogue
with the operator in order to find the best protection
against the observed risk.
A program of safety culture change has been put in
place, in collaboration with a consultant. Initiated at the
end of 2011 on four pilot sites, this program really took
off in 2012. After an evaluation of the safety culture by
means of a questionnaire completed anonymously by
each employee, followed by an analysis of the results, the
employees get together in dialogue workshops with the
objective of reporting on good practices and the areas for
improvement. Each person then works on eliminating the
unsafe behaviors at two levels.
• Eradicating the conscious unsafe behaviors by accom-
panying the local managers in their dialogue with their
colleagues during experience-sharing sessions on the
values of safety at work.
• Reducing the unconscious unsafe behaviors by means
of sessions bringing together a consultant and the
employees. The awareness-raising of the risks and
dangers is followed by training aimed at changing
behaviors and the approach to safety in the workshops.