Racing: formula one undergoes
The racing car world is experiencing profound
restructuring and no longer has the same impact on the
sales of normal cars. Stricter regulations limiting budgets
and innovation have obliged Honda, BMW and Toyota to
leave the Formula 1 circuits. Consequently, our activity
has halved and we have acknowledged this strategic
development evolution: production capacity has been
adjusted and a redeployment plan in aerospace has been
undertaken. Taking into account these fundamental
changes in the Racing markets, the Saint-Brieuc (Blanc
Aéro technologies) and Paramount (A1) units have
been integrated into LISI AEROSPACE Europe and
LISI AEROSPACE US respectively.
The deployment of the new ERP, Lawson
M3, has enabled the LISI AEROSPACE
group to opt for an integrated solution for
sites and to continue to benefit from the
best functionalities of currently available
information systems. All American sites
will be able to switch to these solutions
during 2010.
Once this stage has been completed,
LISI AEROSPACE will be equipped with
an ERP that covers all business functions
and shares the same client and product
Selective investment projects
The unstable environment in 2009
pushed LISI AEROSPACE to streamline
its investment choices, considerably
reducing budgets in order to focus solely
on projects involving new products or the
improvement of industrial resources.
Some long-term projects necessary for
the group’s future have been maintained
(Nut Center of Excellence, ERP, heavy
Moderate optimism for 2010
LISI AEROSPACE started 2010 configured
and adjusted for a level of activity coherent
with the second half of 2009. While the
market remains difficult to predict, various
advance indicators, such as international
growth, the evolution in air traffic and
the stock markets, suggest a recovery
in the world’s economy. Manufacturers’
order books remain well filled and our
two large end clients have optimized their
management to protect their activity and
their supply chain. Having reduced stock
levels, component manufacturers have
begun to place orders reconstitute them.