LISI GROUP - Activity report 2009 - page 20

An issue which affects us all
2010 will see us strengthen our
commitment to reducing accidents at
work. In our dedication to achieve this,
we will include technical infrastructure
improvements, taking EHS issues into
account from the very first stages of
production facility design, for example.
However, the most important task lies
in changing the culture. It is crucial that
Safety, like Environment, be at the very
heart of day-to-day plant management.
The working method disseminated by the
Risk Assessment Committee is one which
can effect cultural change. The effective
implementation of this methodology
should be a priority at all manufacturing
and production sites.
Standardizing practices
and define indicators
Implementing the directives and
instructions within the Group EHS
Manual at all sites should standardize
the management of Health Safety and
Environment problems. This document
which describes this organizational
structure and draws together all these new
directives has been presented to all group
managers and circulated to all relevant staff.
It is based on the principle of continuous
improvement and includes the stipulations
covered by standards ISO 14001 and
OHSAS 18001.
In 2009, in line with the directives set
out in the EHS Manual, certain sites have
implemented a crisis management
procedure which has been successfully
tested under real-life conditions. These
simulations allow the attainment of the
reflex reactions necessary in the case of an
unforeseen accident, and which could have
potential consequences for employees, the
environment, and production…
The LISI Group has also planned to
implement and follow certain selected
indicators in order to more precisely
measure the environmental impact and
safety of our activities. Thus, for the second
year running, this information provided by
its industrial sites has been consolidated so
as to assess the LISI Group’s environmental
impact and safety levels.
Risk management:
following COSO guidelines
Since 2004, the group has been mapping
risks in line with COSO guidelines. More
recently it has also been drawing upon the
provisions of Article L-225.37 of the French
Commercial Code on financial security
and the recommendations of the French
financial regulatory authority, the AMF.
Having identified and itemized risks at the
level of each individual unit (production
or distribution sites) the group classifies
risks at a consolidated level within a matrix
showing occurrence probability and
severity rate. Each risk identified is subject
to an action plan which is periodically
updated. A link is automatically made to
proactive initiatives for hazard prevention,
insurance or accounting services.
This is the number of ISO 14001
certified sites in the Group in 2009
(environmental management).
The rest of our units should be certified
by the end of 2010.
Water consumption
373,197 m
Water consumption coming from a distribution
238,808 m
Water consumption coming directly from the
natural environment
134,389 m
Electricity consumption
137,895 MWh
Natural gas consumption
96,647 MWh
LPG consumption (Liquefied Petroleum Gas)
4,265 MWh
Domestic fuel consumption
802 m
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