1 I NAME AND TITLE OF THE PERSON IN CHARGE OF THE ANNUAL REPORT AND STATUTORY AUDITORS 6 1.1 I Name and title of the person in charge of the annual report 6 1.2 I Statement by the person in charge of the annual report 6 1.3 I Statutory Auditors 6 2 I INFORMATION POLICY 6 2.1 I Person in charge of the financial information 6 2.2 I Documentation 6 3 I FUNCTIONAL ORGANIZATION CHART 7 4 I LEGAL ORGANIZATION CHART 9 5 I KEY FIGURES 10 6 I INFORMATION ABOUT THE ISSUER 10 6.1 I Breakdown of share capital 10 6.2 I History 12 6.3 I Company name – Head office and legislation 13 6.4 I Incorporation and term – Articles of Association 13 6.5 I Consultation of corporate documents 14LISI 2017 FINANCIAL REPORT