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and, where relevant, with the items gathered by your Company from

companies controlling or controlled by your Company. On the basis of

our work, we vouch for the precision and honesty of this information.

Additional information

Pursuant to the law, we have ensured that the information on the

identity of holders of the capital or of voting rights have been provided

to you in the management report.

Disclosures arising from other legal and regulatory obligations

Auditors appointment

We were appointed as Auditors of LISI by your Shareholders’ General

Meeting in 1993 for Exco et Associés and of April 27, 2011 for Ernst &

Young et Autres.

At December 31, 2017, Exco et Associés was in the 25


year of its

engagement and Ernst & Young et Autres in its 7



Responsibilitiesofmanagement andof thosechargedwithcorporate

governance in relation to the Company financial statements

It is management’s responsibility to draw up the Company financial

statements giving a true and fair view in accordance with the French

accounting rules and principles and to put in place the internal

control that it deems necessary for drawing up the Company financial

statements free of material misstatements, whether due to fraud or


When drawing up the Company financial statements, it is the

responsibility of management to assess the company’s capacity to

continue its operations, to present in these financial statements,

if applicable, the necessary information on the going concern

assumption and to apply the going concern principle, unless it is

planned to wind up the company or discontinue its operation.

It is the responsibility of the Audit Committee to monitor the process

for preparation of the financial information and the effectiveness of

internal control and risk management systems, and, if applicable,

the internal audit systems, as regards the procedures relating to the

preparation and processing of accounting and financial information.

The financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors.

Responsibilities of Auditors relating to the audit of the Company

financial statements

Audit objective and approach

It is our responsibility to prepare a report on the Company financial

statements. Our objective is to obtain a reasonable assurance that the

Company financial statements, taken as a whole, are free of material

misstatements. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance,

without however guaranteeing that an audit conducted in accordance

with professional standards systematically ensures that any material

misstatement is detected. Misstatements may be due to frauds or

errors and are considered as material where it is reasonable to expect

that they can, taken separately or together, influence the economic

decisions that users of the financial statements take based on them.

As set out in Article L.823-10-1 of the French Commercial Code,

our task of certifying the financial statements does not consist in

guaranteeing the viability or the quality of the management of your


As part of our audit conducted in accordance with the professional

standards applicable in France, the Auditor exercises his professional

judgment throughout this audit. Furthermore:


The Auditor identifies and assesses the risks that the Company

financial statements containmaterial misstatements, whether due

to fraud or error, defines and implements audit procedures to tackle

these risks, and gathers the information that he deems sufficient

and relevant to form his/her opinion. The risk of non-detection of a

material misstatement arising from a fraud is higher than that of a

material misstatement arising froman error, since fraudmay involve

collusion, forgery, deliberate omissions, misrepresentations or the

circumvention of internal control;


he/she reviews the internal control relevant to the audit in order to

define appropriate audit procedures in the circumstances, and not

with the objective of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of

the internal control;


he/she assesses the appropriateness of the accounting policies

used and the reasonableness of the accounting estimates made by

management, as well as the disclosures provided in the Company

financial statements;


he/she assesses the appropriateness of the application by

management of the accounting principle of going concern and,

based on the information gathered, the existence or non-existence

of a significant uncertainty relating to events or circumstances

likely to undermine the company’s ability to continue its operation.

This assessment is based on information compiled up to the date

of his/her report, it being specified however that subsequent

circumstances or events may undermine the company’s ability to

continue as a going concern. If he/she concludes that there is a

significant uncertainty, he/she draws the attention of readers of

his/her report on the information provided in the Company financial

statements regarding this uncertainty or, if such information is not

provided or is not relevant, he/she issues a qualified opinion or

refuses to certify;


he/she assesses the overall presentation of the Company financial

statements and appraises whether the Company financial

statements reflect the underlying transactions and events such as

to give a true and fair view;

Report to the Audit Committee

We submit a report to the Audit Committee presenting the scope

of the audit work and the program of work implemented, as well as

the findings following from our work. We also inform the Committee,

where applicable, of significant weaknesses in internal control that we

have identified as regards procedures relating to the preparation and

processing of accounting and financial information.

The report to the Audit Committee includes information on the risks

of material misstatements that we deemed to have been the most

important for the audit of the Company financial statements of the