How did the division behave in 2017?
This year, sales hit a historical level of EUR 506 million,
up 8.8% compared to 2016. The division also
experienced a sharp acceleration in sales between the
first (3.6%) and the second (14.4%) half, and recorded
its fourth consecutive year of growth. All business
groups posted improved performance, which allowed
the division to display an operating margin in progress
for the 5
consecutive year.
What was your strategy?
The refocussing of the offer towards higher value-added
products, initiated several years ago, is now bearing
its first significant fruits. Just as the efforts undertaken
to restore some French sites of the Threaded Fasteners
business group, especially that of Saint-Florent-sur-
Cher. Most of the operational indicators are also
progressing, in particular the ones concerning logistics
and quality, as well as those resulting from the
deployment of the LISI Excellence Achievement Program
What were your key highlights?
First, themany awards we received fromour customers.
At a time when the automotive industry is undergoing
unprecedented change, they demonstrate the relevance
of our efforts in partnership, development and
collaborative innovation. Also, we accelerated our
international expansionwith encouraging developments.
In China, first of all, with the transformation of Shanghai
(Safety Mechanical Components) and the creation of
the Clipped Solutions site in Zhuozhou, Hebei Province;
also in Mexico, but especially in North America with the
acquisition of the U.S. company TERMAX (
see page 48
From now on, employees based outside France
represent 54% of the division’s workforce.
What is your vision for 2018?
We will continue the progress achieved over the past
five years, continuing to improve our operating
profitability, thanks in particular to contributions from
the LISI Excellence Achievement Program (LEAP) and
productivity investments. The acquisition of TERMAX
will also have its full effects. From the beginning of the
year on, we will focus our attention on compliance with
delivery schedules, even as demand is rising sharply,
as well as on the ramping up of new products. The
impact of rising rawmaterial costs on sales prices will
also be monitored.
“The division has gained market share and
reached the EUR 500 million sales revenue
threshold this year.”