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Other financial income and expenses mainly include exchange

profits and losses. Income taxes

Corporate income tax (debit or credit) includes the tax to pay

(the tax credit) in respect of each financial year and the amount

of deferred taxation to pay (credit). The tax is recognized as

income, except if it relates to items that are directly recognized

as equity; in which case it is recognized as equity.

Deferred taxation is calculated using the variable carry

forward method for all timing differences at year-end between

taxable and accounting values of assets and liabilities on the

consolidated balance sheet. Fiscally non-deductible goodwill

does not give rise to a declaration of deferred tax.

Deferred tax assets are only recognized if their recovery is

probable. Deferred tax debits and credits are measured at the

tax rates that will be applicable when the timing differences

are settled.

The examination of the recoverability of brought forward losses

is subject to particular scrutiny and shall only be recoverable

if the subsidiary in question or its consolidation scope makes

profits in the near future.

Regarding French companies, pursuant to the removal of the

professional tax and its replacement by the CET and CVAE as

of 2010, the Group has decided to consider the CVAE in the

context of the IAS 12 standard. This decision will thus lead to

the posting of this tax as "Taxes" in the income statement.

In view of the change in the exceptional 10.7% contribution as

of January 1, 2016, the tax rate is reduced to 34.43% for some

deferred taxes for French companies. Earnings per share

Net earnings per share (before dilution) are calculated on the

ratio between the net profit for the period and the weighted

number of shares in circulation during the period, after

deduction of shares held by the Group (treasury shares). Net

diluted earnings per share are calculated by including financial

instruments that provide deferred access to the Group’s capital

(stock options, share warrants). Statement of cash flows

The Group has opted to present its consolidated cash flow

statement in accordance with the IFRS model.

2.2.19 Segment information

The LISI Group presents its segment information in accordance

with the criteria defined by IFRS 8.


An operating segment is a component of an entity:


that engages in business activities from which it may earn

revenues and incur expenses (including revenues and

expenses relating to transactions with other components of

the same entity);


whose operating results are regularly reviewed by the chief

operating decision maker to make decisions about resources

to be allocated to the segment and assess its performance;



for which discrete financial information is available.

The Group’s activities in 2015 are spread over three business

segments, in which the three divisions operate:


the LISI AEROSPACE division, which covers all activities in the

aerospace market;


the LISI AUTOMOTIVE division, which covers all activities in

the automotive market;


LISI MEDICAL, which covers all activities in the medical



Other activities mainly include the activities of the Group’s

main company.

2.2.20 Indicators

The Group uses the indicators defined below.

Free cash flow: Operating cash flow minus net industrial


and changes in working capital requirements (see

chapter 3, note Cash and cash equivalents).

Return on capital employed (ROCE):

Ratio of EBIT to average

capital employed (Shareholders' equity + Net debt for years N

and N-1).

Return on equity (ROE):

Ratio of net earnings to total

shareholders' equity.


Ratio of Net Debt to the Group share of consolidated


Book to bill:

Ratio of orders taken during the period to invoices

issued during that same period.

Revalued Net Assets (RNA):

Average of [(0.95 x Group Sales

Revenue) + (6.5 x Group EBITDA) + (10 x Group EBIT)] - Group Net

Debt for years N and N-1.