LISI 2015
Questions to
How did the division perform in 2015?
_ LISI MEDICAL posted organic growth of 3%.
This growth was particularly strong in the
United States. In Europe, the momentum came
from the Caen site, which is specialized in
bone joint reconstruction, where we launched
series of products developed in 2014 for new
customers. The set targets were achieved by
all the sites, both in terms of growth as well
as at the operational level.
What is the outlook for 2016?
_ Naturally driven by the demographic changes,
the orthopedics markets are growing. They
should remain so. The strategy of streamli-
ning product portfolios, implemented by our
customers should allow us to significantly
expand our market share, particularly thanks
to our lines of generic products. We indeed
plan to develop this approach in all the areas
of orthopedics, in order to provide the “Gold
Standard” in the market. Of course, we will
continue our offering for the new products
coming from our existing customers or our
How do you integrate these new products?
_ Some sites require capacity investments in
order to absorb this growth. We thus decided
at the end of 2015, to launch the project for
the extension of our factory in Caen. This
extension of 3,500 m2 will allow us to absorb
the production of new products, but also of
other types of implants. An equipment Capex
program has moreover been launched in 2015 in
our factory in the United States. It will continue
in 2016.
What organization do you plan to set up?
_ The LEAP* program, currently being deployed
in the Group, is the first response. The methods
and tools that it offers help to improve the field
performance and management. We also carried
out in 2015, a reorganization of the projects
and Industrialization departments, to respond
more effectively to our customers’ demands.
The supply chain at the factory in Caen was
finally reorganized to adapt to the multi-client
Olivier Le Bars
Chief Executive Officer, LISI MEDICAL
We intend to develop our strategy of generic
products in all the orthopedics sectors, in order
to provide the “Gold Standard” in the market.
* LISI Excellence Achievement Program.