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LISI 2015

Questions to

How do you look at 2015?

_ The major portion of the European industrial

reorganization plan, initiated in 2012 by LISI

AUTOMOTIVE, was carried out according to

the projected schedule. Such optimization

and redeployment work, whose first results

were visible in 2015, has contributed to the

recovery over time of our European plants,

particularly in France. Only a few challenges

remain on a chassis screw production site.

This plan especially offset the operational

difficulties encountered in the first half year:

some sites have indeed faced under-capacity

problems in heat treatment. The arrival finally

of the worksite at the factory in Dasle (Doubs),

effective since the fourth quarter 2015, should

finally contribute to firming up the division’s


What is the outlook for 2016?

_ The level of orders to be delivered at the

beginning of the fiscal year reflects the

rebound recorded by the market in the fourth

quarter 2015. Logistic conditions, sanitized

in 2015, allow for considering an operational

startup without major difficulties. The

uncertainties in Asia, particularly in China,

however, make the growth forecasts uncertain

beyond the first quarter of 2016.

What are your objectives?

_ We will have to capitalize on the industrial

organization efforts undertaken since 2012.

The progress achieved will have to be further

enhanced under the LEAP* plan in order to

sustainably improve our operating profitability

in Europe: three of the four Business Groups

in the division have been strengthened. They

now have real competitive advantages, and

consolidated trade ties with our German

customers as well as with the major OEMs.

We also need to accelerate our international

development, by organizing the gradual rise of

the Mexican site for clipped fasteners, or even

by accompanying the launch of the mechanical

safety components on our Shanghai site.

François Liotard

Chief Executive Officer, LISI AUTOMOTIVE

The uncertainties in Asia, and particularly

in China, however, make the growth forecasts

uncertain beyond the first quarter of 2016.

* LISI Excellence Achievement Program.