LISI GROUP - Financial report 2014 - page 129

Actingon the recommendationof theCompensationCommittee, LISI's
Board of Directors decided, on October 24, 2012, with the permission
of theGeneralMeetingofApril 26, 2012, toallocateperformance shares
tomembers of the Executive Committee and tomembers of themain
Management Committees for the three LISI Group divisions, subject
to theirmeetingall or part of certainperformance targets: reachingon
December 31, 2014, one criterion, namely Net Asset Value of at least
€900m. If the Net Asset Value is between €900m and €1,220m, the
shareswouldbe allocated inpart. If theNet Asset Value is higher than
€1,220m, the shareswouldbe allocated in full. Themaximumnumber
of shares awarded is 254,750 (50,950 shares before the stock split) and
concerns152employees inFrance.
Theplanalso stipulates that shares thus allocated shall beheld for two
As far as the corporate officers are concerned, the Board of Directors
1) Inorder to receiveatmaturityall orpartof thePerformanceShares to
which they are entitled, each of the corporate officer directors shall,
at the end of the acquisition period, acquire 1,000 Company shares
2)Corporateofficersmustkeep inregisteredform1,000sharesthathave
beenallocatedtothem for free,upuntil theterminationoftheirduties
(corresponding to200 sharesbefore thedivisionof thenominal share
52employeesoutsideof Francewill benefit frombonusesbasedon the
principlesandconditions,but inthe formofpayandsalaries.
Actingon the recommendationof theCompensationCommittee, LISI's
Board of Directors decided, on October 24, 2013, with the permission
of theGeneralMeetingofApril 25, 2013, toallocateperformance shares
tomembers of the Executive Committee and tomembers of themain
Management Committees for the three LISI Group divisions, subject
to their meeting all or part of certain performance targets: reaching
onDecember 31, 2015, one criterion, namelyNet Asset Valueof at least
€1,000m. If theNetAssetValue isbetween€1,000mand€1,360m, the
shareswouldbe allocated inpart. If theNet Asset Value is higher than
€1,360m, the shareswouldbeallocated in full. Themaximumnumber
of shares awarded is 166,700 (33,340 shares before the stock split) and
concerns159employees inFrance.
Theplanalso stipulates that shares thus allocated shall beheld for two
As far as the corporate officers are concerned, the Board of Directors
1) Inorder to receiveatmaturityall orpartof thePerformanceShares to
which they are entitled, each of the corporate officer directors shall,
at the end of the acquisition period, acquire 650 Company shares
2)Corporateofficersmust keep in registered form650 shares that have
beenallocatedtothem for free,upuntil theterminationoftheirduties
(corresponding to 130 sharesbefore thedivisionof thenominal share
50employeesoutsideof Francewill benefit frombonusesbasedon the
principlesandconditions,but inthe formofpayandsalaries.
Actingon the recommendationof theCompensationCommittee, LISI's
BoardofDirectorsdecided, onOctober 23, 2014,with thepermissionof
the General Meeting of April 23, 2014, to allocate performance shares
tomembers of the Executive Committee and tomembers of themain
Management Committees for the three LISI Group divisions, subject
to theirmeetingall or part of certainperformance targets: reachingon
December 31, 2016, one criterion, namely Net Asset Value of at least
€1,100m. If theNetAssetValue isbetween€1,100mand€1,360m, the
shareswouldbe allocated inpart. If theNet Asset Value is higher than
€1,365m, the shareswouldbeallocated in full. Themaximumallocated
numberofshares is173,250sharesandconcerns165employees inFrance.
Theplanalso stipulates that shares thus allocated shall beheld for two
As far as the corporate officers are concerned, the Board of Directors
1) Inorder to receiveatmaturityall orpartof thePerformanceShares to
which theyareentitled, eachof thecorporateofficerdirectorsshall, at
may havebeen allocated to them registered in their ownname, and
until theterminationoftheiremployment.
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