LISI 2014
Withover 1,100employees serving important customers
(Boeing, Airbus, Embraer, Bombardier, Wesco, B/E
Aerospace, Spirit), Torrance is the biggest site in the
Fasteners section of LISI AEROSPACE . Levels of growth
registered there (nearly 15%per year since2011) require
constant support. The site has committed to a large-
scale modernization plan on the basis of the LEAP
(LISI Excellence Achievement Program) improvement
program, implemented by the Group since 2013. This
plansupportschangeatmany levels:
•Optimizationof productionorganizationby implemen-
tationofAutonomousProductionUnits (NAP)andAuto-
nomousProductionGroups (GAP)
•Simplification and tightening of workflows, to shorten
cycle timesand reduceoutstandingvolumes.
•Renovation of existing buildings and construction,
qualification and inauguration of a new surface
treatment plant.
•Large scale investment plan to increase the site’s
production capacity: automation of manufacturing
processesandoptimizationofnew technology .
• Implementation of numerous improvement projects:
Todate, theLEAP (LISIExcellenceAchievementProgram)
programhasbeendeployedacross60%of theplantand
theentiresitewillbecovered formid-2016.
Deployment ofHi-KoteNC “green” coatings
Overthepastthreeyears,LISIAEROSPACE,world leader incoatings
for aeronautical fasteners with its Hi-Kote™ product range, has
developed, qualified and industrialized a chromate-free range of
coatings complyingwith the new environmental requirements of
theEuropeanReachprogram.SinceJanuary2015, thenew“green”
coating, HI-KOTE NC™ has been used in all sites in the Fasteners
Section, either exclusively (in the case of European plants) or
partially (in thecaseofAmericanandTurkishplants).
The leadingedges of theLEAP
engine in industrial phase
The new LEAP engines, developed by the international CFM
consortium fornewaircraftbyBoeing,AirbusandCOMAC,have fan
bladesmadeofcomposites.Theseparts,whichaccount foralmost
80% of the engine’s thrust, are protected by a titanium leading
edge developed and manufactured in Marmande. 2014 was an
intenseyearofco-engineeringwithSNECMA in thedevelopmentof
production routings. The rise incosts, anticipated for 2015,will be
accompaniedbysubstantial investment in industrial equipment.A
1,500m²extensionwillalsobebuiltaspartof thisexercise.
New lines for transmissiongears
Tostrengthen itsposition in themarketsegment foraircraftengine
power transmission gears, bearing rings and enginebearings, the
site at Bar-sur-Aube has been equipped with a new machining,
testing and finishing line. These robotic installations allow LISI
AEROSPACE to support its customers in the largeXWB (A350) and
LEAPengineprogramsand increase theproductioncapacityof the
siteby50% for these typesofproducts.
After four years of co-development carried out between Snecma
and LISI AEROSPACE teams at Parthenay, Snecma has entrusted
the development and series production of parts for its new LEAP
engine.Thesearmsand titaniumOutletGuideVaneswill represent
annual salesrevenueof€18millionat fullcapacity.Thesepartsare
forgedat theBolognesiteandmachinedandweldedatParthenay,
wherea4,500m²extension isunder construction. Thiswill enable
integration of all the manufacturing stages, thus doubling the
activityof thesite,whichspecializes inenginevanes.