LISI 2013
The development of the Airbus A350, always ahead
of schedule, which boosted sales of the “Aerospace
Fasteners” business, reached its conclusionduring 2013.
The “Structural components” business (e.g. Creuzet
group), however, really tookoff in 2014. Theseopposing
factors, theoutcomeofwhich ishard topredict,added to
which are thepositive effects of amarket still energised
by thegrowthof Boeing’s twomajor programmes,must
strengthen sales growth for LISI AEROSPACE, albeit at a
slowerpace than thatof theprevious threeyears.
By contrast, the two other divisions of the group,
downturn, areexpected tomaintaingrowth, buildingon
the resultsof the lasthalfof2013.
Finally,andwithin thesamescopeofoperations, for2014,
thegroupexpects toconductanexercise inconsolidating
ofManoir Aerospace– less than three years after that of
the Creuzet group, would significantly strengthen the
positionofLISIAEROSPACE intheStructuralcomponents
arena–bringingsignificantgrowth forthenexttwoyears.
and LEAP**projects. Theseprojects, developedacross all
our divisions and coordinatedby theGroupdirectorate,
form the backbone of our technical, industrial and
managerial performance as the guaranteeof our future
economic and financial results. For this reasonwe have
afforded them particular importance in this Annual
It is, therefore,with confidence thatweplan to continue
theprofitableand sustainablegrowthof our group,with
the aim of providingmaximumpossible satisfaction to
* HSE:Health,SafetyandEnvironment,programsaimedat
improvements inSafetyat theworkplaceandat reducing the
environmental footprintofouractivities.
** LEAP: LISIExcellenceAchievementProgram,programsaimed
at improvingourperformance inallareasof thebusinessof the
Letter from themanagement