LISI 2013
The final effectsof the2009crisisand its impactonLISI’s
results were largely overcome in 2013, and the Group’s
threedivisionsall returnedtogrowth inthesecondhalfof
theperiod, somethingwhichhadnot been seen for two
On the aviation side, recordneworders anddeliveries
of 100-seater-plus commercial aircraft for Airbus and
BoeingallowedLISIAEROSPACE, like themajorplayers
in this sector, tooutperform in termsof salesaswell as
profitability. As a result, our aviation division greatly
improvedon itspreviousperformances, strengthening
its place as themain contributor to the group,with a
turnoverof664million€andanoperatingprofitof 118
million€,an increaseofalmost30%on2012 figures.
In the automotive sector, themajor development of
2013was the growthof vehicle sales inEurope,which
wasmuchmorepositiveduring the secondhalf of the
posted stable revenueat constant scopeof 422million
€,and increased itsoperatingprofitbyafactoroffive,to
11million€due to restructuringmeasuresundertaken
over thecourseof thepast twoyears.
downturnwere seenover the courseof the year 2013,
and were shown in LISI MEDICAL’s results, which
remained staticwitha turnover of 64million€andan
operatingmarginof4%. Itsorderbooks,however,have
grown significantly by comparison with the start of
Profits returnedby eachof thedivisionshas enabled the
Group to return to the results achieved at the height of
the 2005-2008 economic cycle, as summarised by the
following listofconsolidated figures:
TheGroupturnoverreached1.15billion€,an increaseof
+6.3%on2012 ;
Operatingprofits reached 129million€,equivalent toa
marginof 11.2% ;
ROCE (returnoncapitalemployed)exceededthetarget
of 19% ;
Free Cash Flow generated amounted to 28million €
after record investmentof88million€ ;
Financial debtdecreasedby2pointsandamounted to
These results lead us to propose a dividend of 1.70 per
share at the next General Shareholders Meeting, an
increaseof+21% fromoneyear to thenext.
We should like to congratulate and warmly thank all
teams in the Group for meeting these performance