Page 87 - Financial report 2011

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LISI 2011 —
— financial report
Risk factors
Since 2005, the accident frequency rate has been reduced considerably.
At the same time, the severity of the accidents fell significantly. The
severity rate TG0, which represents the number of days lost as a result
of a workplace accident per thousand hours worked, was reduced by
75%, which reflects on the efficiency of the measures implemented
for the protection of the employees.
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Without the increasing involvement of the Group’s employees, such an
improvement would not have been possible.
Actions taken to continue
our improvements
LISI is determined to maintain this improvement.
In order to do this, various actions have been undertaken with the goal
of extending this favorable trend over the long term.
Every accident is an event which cannot be tolerated
Every accident which occurs on one of the LISI sites is the subject
of a detailed analysis, in accordance with a rigorous methodology
developed by the LISI Group’s Risk Committee.
In addition, the General Management of the Group is informed of each
workplace accident involving work stoppage by the Director of the
site concerned, thereby confirming that Safety is everyone's business:
from the General Management to the machine operators.
Our behavior has to change
Approximately 80% of the accidents occurring within the Group are of
behavioral origin.
For this reason, in 2011 LISI decided to launch a program to change
safety behaviors with the assistance of an external consultant and
involving the participation of all employees.
This program is based around two principles:
– working on conscious anti-safety behaviors, alongside proximity
– working on unconscious anti-safety behaviors by completing
training for all the employees.
Since June 2011, the approach has been initiated on four pilot sites,
split between the three divisions (Caen, Grandvillars, Kierspe and
Saint-Brieuc). It starts by an evaluation of the Safety Culture, in order
to determine the detailed support program for each site.
The approach is a long-term investment, from which LISI anticipates
long-term results.
Risk management
Following COSO guidelines
Since 2004, the Group has been mapping risks in line with COSO
guidelines. More recently it has also been drawing upon the provisions
of Article L-225.37 of the French Commercial Code on financial security
and the recommendations of the French financial regulatory authority,
the AMF. Having identified and listed risks at the level of each
individual unit (production or distribution sites) the Group classifies
consolidated risk within a matrix showing occurrence probability and
severity rate. Each risk identified is subject to an action plan which
is periodically updated. A link is automatically made to proactive
initiatives for hazard prevention, insurance or accounting services.
Strengthening cooperation
with our insurers
The consistency of the relationship with insurers and risk classification
has helped to structure the Group's prevention approach. Thus, all
of the insurers' recommendations are included in the Environmental
Safety Improvement Plans and are subject to periodic monitoring
by the Risk Monitoring Committee. Our insurers revisit a number of
sites each year, looking both at damage to assets and environmental
risks, and then present their recommendations which enhance our
action plan. Since 2002, all the significant sites have been audited,
except those which have recently been integrated into the Group. This
ongoing improvement initiative is improving our prevention policy and
enables us to optimize our insurance premiums.