LISI GROUP - Integrated report 2023
46 2 0 2 3 I N T E G R A T E D R E P O R T GOVERNANCE “Fueling the employer brand sustainably” In your opinion, what are the levers that have an impact on talent recruitment? Raphaël Vivet : The robustness of the financial indicators reassures about the solidity of the company and is a source of trust. The outlook allows us to project ourselves, judge the relevance of the vision and management’s ability to anticipate changes in the environment. The overall credibility is based on the company’s track record, its past achievements, and its capacity to adapt to market conditions. Alexis Polin : LISI’s image and reputation are indeed key elements in attracting talent: the promotion of our employer brand and the value proposition offered by LISI are essential factors in convincing applicants to join the company. And in that respect, we have a host of assets: the Group’s history, the sectors in which it operates, its products and its business lines, its purpose, its values, its reputation, its financial solidity and its human resources management and the career prospects it offers, are a very positive fuel for the brand. During the job interviews we conduct, we have noticed the impact of the values associated with LISI’s purpose, which are so many powerful vectors for sharing the company’s culture, its managerial culture, and its CSR ambitions, particularly among the youngest. Co-optation, a process by which our current employees recommend potential applicants from their personal or professional network, is also a way of recruiting people to whom we would not necessarily have access with usual methods. The “co-opters” know the company, its environment, its culture and its values, which promotes the onboarding of the “co-opted” . “Corporate culture and the work environment are the result of a long-term construction. They require consistency in decision-making, without sudden change of direction, and involve structured responses even in the toughest crises.” Raphaël Vivet , LISI Chief Financial Officer CROSSEDVISION —Confronted with the challenges facing the industrial sector in recruiting and attracting talent, Raphaël Vivet , Chief Financial Officer and Alexis Polin , Chief HR Officer of the Group, analyze together what are the strengths of the LISI employer brand.
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