LISI GROUP - Integrated report 2023

39 2 0 2 3 I N T E G R A T E D R E P O R T STRATEGY VSM, or Value StreamMapping, is a powerful value chain optimization tool. This continuous improvement technique has been deployed within the LISI Group since the beginning of its continuous improvement program. Implemented in more than twenty Group sites around the world, the method of analysis and mapping of the value chain – Value Stream Mapping – provides a general view of all processes at work within the company, the links between these processes, and even the interactions between the company, its customers and its suppliers. “A powerful tool for continuous improvement, VSM is an analysis method structured around a simple and easy- to-use common language allowing the team to understand all the opportunities and project itself into an ideal state” , explainedPhilippe Babel, LISI LEAP Director. VSM applies to all product-related activities, from production to the supply chain, including support functions, design, and sales. It highlights the flows of added value creation and, by contrast, the sources of “non-added value”. It makes visible the strengths and weaknesses of the system VSMand LISI SYSTEM: what’s theconnection? VSM has been used in the LISI Group since the beginning of its continuous improvement program. It is a component of the processes defined within the framework of the LISI SYSTEM to document the current situation and project towards a target state making it possible to fuel our industrial strategy formalized in the A3 of each site. on the basis of data and factual observations, thus providing specific information on resource consumption, information flows, and material flows supplying these processes. “VSM will help us understand the obstacles that extend Lead Times, and identify the causes of potential bottlenecks in a clear and objective manner. It is an important approach to make a diagnosis and develop an improvement plan as part of a structured LEAP - LISI Excellence Achievement Program – approach” , continued Philippe Babel. “Finally, it helps to structure and support the company’s vision.” #GROUP #CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT #PROFIT VALUE STREAMMAPPING Mapping the value chain Excellence Mélisey plant, north-eastern France (LISI AUTOMOTIVE).