LISI GROUP - Integrated report 2023
37 2 0 2 3 I N T E G R A T E D R E P O R T STRATEGY OPTIBLIND™ : an Innovation Award from Airbus LISI AEROSPACE won the 2023 Innovation Award at the Airbus Global Supplier Conference event for its new OPTIBLIND™ fastener system. The system, which allows assembly operations to be carried out from only one side of the fuselage, removes a strong technological barrier. By offering new paths to aerospace designers, it actively participates in the development of the aircraft of the future. #AEROSPACE #FASTENERS Innovation Autonomousmachines: adisruptivebreakthrough These systems are developed by LISI AEROSPACEwith itspartnerWhatchOutCorp. They are controlled by optical sensors and perform permanent self-correction based on data analyzed in real time. These “self-learning” machines are capable of autonomously adjusting the machining settings on production runs that they have “learned” to conduct (deep learning) . These disruptive technologies that use Artificial Intelligence have accelerated their progress since 2022.
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