LISI GROUP - Integrated report 2023

Carbonfootprint CO 2 emissions: - 37% in 4 years (2019‑2023) The LISI Group’s carbon footprint stands at 642,366 tons of CO 2 . Overall greenhouse gas emissions are down 37% compared to 2019. Scope 1 and 2 emissions (direct and indirect energy-related emissions) represent 11% of the carbon footprint. Scope 3 (indirect emissions) alone represents 89% of the total. It includes purchased raw materials (34% of the Group’s emissions), goods and services other than raw materials (33% of the footprint), and finally capital expenditures, which account for 10% of emissions. The challenges of sustainable reduction of the LISI Group’s carbon footprint therefore lie in its ability to source less carbon-intensive raw materials, goods and services and to encourage its suppliers to reduce their carbon footprint. This is what is intended by the agreement signed by LISI AUTOMOTIVE with ArcelorMittal (read p. 33). “We must stimulate the eco-design of products and innovation in processes and question the most costly investments from the angle of the Profit (€) / Planet (T. CO 2 eq.) balance” Anne-Delphine Beaulieu LISI Chief Sustainability Officer & Digital Transformation. Evolution of GHG greenhouse gas emissions in T. of CO 2 since 2019. 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Constant factors 2023 Market Based 509,322 410,214 326,812 600,654 612,820 642,366 Territories Act on water stress area sites Eleven LISI Group sites are located in areas experiencing water stress. In 2023, they defined an action plan to reduce water consumption which will be implemented from 2024 onwards. Concurrently, the Group reduced its water consumption by -19.9% compared to 2022. Several sites at LISI AEROSPACE have also installed rainwater recovery basins. The Villefranche-de-Rouergue (south of France) site made it possible to recover 8,039 m 3 of water consumed for production (22% of the site’s requirements). The Rugby (United Kingdom) and Izmir (Turkey) sites have deployed similar equipment. ‑19 . 9 % OF REDUCTION IN WATER CONSUMPTION IN 2023 VS 2022. Keyfigures 30 2 0 2 3 I N T E G R A T E D R E P O R T STRATEGY Planet Mellrichstadt, Germany plant (LISI AUTOMOTIVE). 3 PLANTS EQUIPPED WITH SOLAR PANELS 0 . 4% OF RENEWABLE ENERGY PRODUCED ON SITE