LISI GROUP - Integrated report 2023
29 2 0 2 3 I N T E G R A T E D R E P O R T STRATEGY Planet The LISI Group is committed to preserving the environment. As such, it takes its part in the collective effort involved in the energy transition. Deployed at all levels of the company, its strategy is structured around strong convictions: environmental issues constitute a major challenge for humanity and require long-term thinking. The world is subject to permanent disruption and requires organizations that are agile and able to adjust. Diversity is a strength and companies must have a positive impact on society and in the territories they occupy. LISI’s actions are guided by these anchor points. #3Protect our environment (2) SDG: Sustainable development goals. (3) GRI: Global Reporting Initiative. Reduce greenhouse gas emissions: Partial SCOPES 1 + 2 + 3 2030 2022 -10.8% vs 2021 (291,487 T. CO 2 ) - 30% vs 2019 2023 - 37% vs 2019 (1) SDG (2) 13: Climate action GRI (3) 305‑1 / GRI 305‑2 %of water stress area sites with an action plan 2022 18 2023 100 2030 100 SDG 11: Sustainable cities and communities GRI 303‑1 / GRI 302‑4 %of renewable energies produced on our sites 2022 0.0 2023 0.4 2024 0.7 2030 3 %energy savings inMWh due to projects 2022 > 1 2023 1.7 2024 1.8 2030 >1 / N-1 3P z Reduce our carbon footprint. z Improve the energy efficiency of our plants and reduce energy consumption. z Develop renewable energies. z Control dependence on water. z Develop the eco-design of products and the eco-responsibility of processes. Objectives assessment Challenges & Objectives Challenges & Objectives Challenges & Objectives Challenges & Objectives #4Workwithour territories z Launch action plans for plants in water stress areas. SDG 13: Climate action GRI 301‑2 / GRI 306‑2 SDG 13: Climate action GRI 301‑1 (1) on a comparable scope.
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