LISI GROUP - Integrated report 2023

25 2 0 2 3 I N T E G R A T E D R E P O R T STRATEGY The LISI Group has structured its sustainable development strategy to mirror the pondering that resulted in wording its purpose: Shape and Share Sustainable Links. Guided by the desire to contribute to a sustainable and inclusive world, such CSR strategy was naturally organized around three entry points, called the 3Ps : People , Planet , Profit . People is focused on the health and safety of the Group’s employees, diversity and inclusion and the development of our attractiveness. Planet is structured around three central topics: carbon footprint reduction, efficient use of resources and our actions with local communities. Finally, Profit focuses on meeting the expectations of LISI’s customers and suppliers and on securing its financial resources in compliance with environmental, social and ethical rules. These 3Ps were defined and designed in consultation with all of the Group’s stakeholders: its suppliers, its customers, its shareholders, its employees, staff representative bodies, etc. Driven by strong convictions, they fuel our values and guide our action. By integrating sustainability and societal impact into every aspect of our business, we create long-termvalue for all stakeholders and ensure profitable growth. “Our roadmap is clear and our determination is complete: thanks to the energy, know- how, commitment of our teams and the support of our stakeholders, LISI is confident in  its ability to move forward together and make progress on our sustainable development goals for the benefit of all.” –Anne-DelphineBeaulieu LISI Chief Sustainability Officer & Digital Transformation “3 action principles to structure our roadmap.” € 4 . 3  M CAPEX DEDICATED TO CO 2 REDUCTION -37% REDUCTION OF OUR CO 2 EMISSIONS/2019 6 . 7 TF1 28 . 1% WOMEN CADRES 57% KEY SUPPLIERS ASSESSED AS PER CSR CRITERIA