LISI GROUP - Integrated report 2023

21 2 0 2 3 I N T E G R A T E D R E P O R T STRATEGY “By combining profitability and responsibility, we want to prolong our history. Our CSR approach, structured around the 3Ps People, Planet and Profit, represents a decisive asset for the creation of value in the short, medium and long term.” To achieve this, we rely on two essential pillars: the quest for operational excellence which is based on the LISI SYSTEM, the program which guides our practices and our procedures both in the plants and in the support functions. Innovation allows us to be positioned upstream with customers on the new products and applications they are developing, and to gain market share. Today we are focused on combining financial and non-financial performance over a long-term trajectory. By combining profitability and responsibility, we are opening a new chapter in our history. Our CSR approach, structured around the 3Ps People , Planet and Profit , represents a decisive asset for the creation of value in the short, medium and long term. We are about to launch a major initiative on the “People” component by fully integrating it into the LISI SYSTEM.