LISI GROUP - Integrated report 2023

8 2 0 2 3 I N T E G R A T E D R E P O R T PROFILE 10 4 26 2 SITES IN NORTH AMERICA 1 in Canada 7 in the US 2 in Mexico SITES IN ASIA 2 in China 1 in India 1 in Turkey SITES IN EUROPE 3 in Germany 1 in Spain 19 in France 1 in Poland 1 in the Czech Republic 1 in the UK SITES EN AFRICA 2 in Morocco For more than two centuries, the LISI Group has designed and produced assembly solutions and high value-added components for the aerospace, automotive, and medical sectors. The positions it occupies and its international dimension allow it to support its clients in their projects wherever they are located. Sites 3 activities LISI AEROSPACE €838.9 M (+17.0% / 2022) 52 % OF GROUP SALES 5,871 EMPLOYEES 19 SITES IN 8 COUNTRIES LISI AEROSPACE produces fasteners and assembly and structural components for the largest global players in the aerospace sector; this division participates in the production of safer and more environmentally friendly aircraft. LISI MEDICAL €181.9 M (+ 20.6% / 2022) 11 % OF GROUP SALES 846 EMPLOYEES 4 SITES IN 2 COUNTRIES LISI MEDICAL produces medical implants, ancillaries and minimally invasive surgery instruments with high added value; this division manufactures cutting-edge products to facilitate access to surgery for everyone. LISI AUTOMOTIVE €610.4 M (+ 9.5% / 2022) 37 % OF GROUP SALES 3,202 EMPLOYEES 19 SITES IN 8 COUNTRIES LISI AUTOMOTIVE produces metal and plastic assembly solutions, and mechanical safety components intended for automotive manufacturers and equipment suppliers throughout the world; this division contributes to the transformation of vehicles: more reliable, safer, connected, autonomous, lightweight and electrified. 42 SITES ACROSS 13 COUNTRIES LISI GROUP