LISI GROUP - Integrated report 2022

Income statement (in €’000) 12/31/2022 12/31/2021 PRE-TAX SALES 1,425,212 1,163,897 Changes in stock, finished products and production in progress 39,363 22,478 TOTAL PRODUCTION 1,464,575 1,186,374 Other revenue * 38,566 35,549 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES 1,503,141 1,221,923 Consumed goods (450,558) (334,126) Other purchases and external expenses (319,554) (251,354) Taxes and duties (9,562) (9,209) Personnel costs (including temporary employees) (537,010) (473,756) EBITDA 186,458 153,478 Depreciation (98,963) (94,641) Net provisions 1,605 7,774 EBIT 89,100 66,611 Non-current operating expenses and income (9,678) (10,749) OPERATING PROFIT (LOSS) 79,423 55,862 FINANCING EXPENSES AND REVENUE ON CASH (4,989) (5,304) Revenue from cash 1,719 987 Financing expenses (6,708) (6,291) OTHER INTEREST REVENUE AND EXPENSES 2,845 10,076 Other financial items 40,075 34,738 Other interest expenses (37,230) (24,662) Taxes (of which CVAE (Tax on Companies’ Added Value)) (20,550) (16,272) PROFIT (LOSS) FOR THE PERIOD 56,729 44,362 Attributable to equity holders 56,960 44,048 Interest not granting control over the company (231) 314 EARNINGS PER SHARE (IN €): 1,08 0,83 DILUTED EARNINGS PER SHARE (IN €): 1,06 0,82 * In order to provide better information to the readers of the accounts and in accordance with international standards, the company has maintained in the 2022 financial statements the classification of revenues related to the CIR (Research Tax Credit) under “Other revenues”. Statement of comprehensive income (in €’000) 12/31/2022 12/31/2021 PROFIT (LOSS) FOR THE PERIOD 56,729 44,362 Other items of overall income applied to shareholders equity Actuarial gains and losses out of employee benefits (gross element) 6,094 (4,764) Actuarial gains and losses out of employee benefits (tax impact) (2,301) 1,892 Other items of overall income that will cause a reclassification of income Exchange rate spreads resulting from foreign business 15,289 33,554 Hedging instruments (gross element) 661 (10,438) Hedging instruments (tax impact) 577 2,206 OTHER PORTIONS OF GLOBAL EARNINGS FOR THE PERIOD, AFTER TAXES 20,320 22,449 TOTAL OVERALL INCOME FOR THE PERIOD 77,048 66,811 Hedging instruments relate to currency hedging instruments. CREATING VALUE FINANCIAL DATA 84 LISI – 2022 INTEGRATED REPORT