LISI GROUP - Integrated report 2022

The Audit Committee Chairwoman • Françoise GARNIER Members • Isabelle CARRERE • Florence VERZELEN The Compensation Committee Chairman • Patrick DAHER Members • Bernard BIRCHLER • Laurent GUTIERREZ • Jean-Philippe KOHLER • Thierry PEUGEOT The Strategic Committee Chairwoman • Véronique SAUBOT Members • Bernard BIRCHLER • Gilles KOHLER • Jean-Philippe KOHLER • Christian PEUGEOT • Cyrille VIELLARD • Emmanuel VIELLARD • Jean-Philippe KOHLER • Thierry PEUGEOT COMPENSATION Within the LISI Group, compensation is linked to the performance of the company as well as that of each employee. Variable compensation takes into account both individual performance and collective performance, particularly in terms of sustainable development. Social and environmental responsibility (CSR) criteria are also taken into account in the long-term incentive plans offered to the 200 main directors and managers of the Group. In several countries, including France, employees are interested in collective performance through incentive and/ or profit-sharing schemes. Incentive employee savings schemes are also offered. In addition to compensation that complies with or exceeds the practices in force in comparable companies in the countries where it operates, the LISI Group is committed to offering its employees quality social protection schemes. Details of the compensation of corporate officers are available in Chapter 6 of the universal registration document. 10 meetings in 2022 98 % attendance THE COMMITTEES RESPONDING TO GOVERNANCE ISSUES 75 LISI – 2022 INTEGRATED REPORT