LISI GROUP - Integrated report 2022

INTERVIEW François Liotard CEO, LISI AUTOMOTIVE AIMING FOR EXCELLENCE What was the market environment like in 2022? I n 2022 , au t omo t i ve ma r ke t s we re aga i n constrained by supply in Europe, but also in China and the United States. As in 2021, production was disrupted by shortages and irregular deliveries of electronic components to assembly lines. The outbreak of the war between Russia and Ukraine has added very strong tensions on products such as wiring harnesses, of which Ukraine is a major producer. These constraints have limited the ability of manufacturers to produce vehicles. The supply chain, which already experiencing major disruptions, suffered a sharp brake in March- April, just weeks after the start of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. The other important element concerns the acceleration of the electrification of vehicles, which was again confirmed in 2022. The European regulatory framework is now known: the roadmap sets 2035 as the end of the sale of new combustion vehicles in Europe and provides, in the long term, for a market made up of 100% zero-emission electric vehicles, battery or fuel cell. Statistics show that in Europe plug-in hybrids are slowing down, while 100% electric vehicles now represent 12% of new car sales. LISI AUTOMOTIVE 63 LISI – 2022 INTEGRATED REPORT