LISI GROUP - Integrated report 2022

Supporting long-term growth In 2022, the COS program should enable support for the Group’s long-term growth and the adaptation of its structures to short-term market developments. Analysis tools suited for the current macroeconomic context have been put in place with this in mind, such as management instruments adapted to the inflationary context (inflation balance). The adaptation plans initiated two years ago have been maintained, as well as measures to anticipate resource requirements (human and financial), necessary to support the Group’s growth in its various areas of activity. COS PROGRAM EXCELLENT MANAGEMENT PROCESSES At the heart of the New Deal plan and the Group’s development strategy, the Controlling Operating System (COS) program aims to optimize and strengthen the efficiency of all procedures related to administrative and management control functions. By contributing to the dissemination of an economic culture across the company, the COS program preserves and strengthens the Group’s major financial balances. CARRYING THE STRATEGIC VISION BEYOND OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE 51 LISI – 2022 INTEGRATED REPORT