LISI GROUP - Integrated report 2022

LISI E-HSE EXCELLENCE IN TERMS OF HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT The LISI Excellence-HSE is the application of the LISI SYSTEM to health, safety and environmental issues. This integrated HSE excellence management system responds to challenges that are both human – guaranteeing safety and well-being at work – and strategic – developing a common culture to anticipate and prevent risks – economic – improving productivity and operational excellence – and finally legal – being in good standing with the law. The LISI Group has made all of these points an inseparable prerequisite for all of its activities. Defining common rules The LISI E-HSE program is built around 12 axes of continuous improvement, themselves articulated on 3 fundamentals: ƒ LISI RM to assess and control HSE risks, ƒ The Golden Rules to manage risks based on common rules, ƒ Leadership and HSE Culture , to promote best practices. It provides sites and teams with proven procedures and ready-to-use tools to achieve the Group’s HSE targets. E-HSE the 2023 targets TF1<7 FREQUENCY RATE OF ACCIDENTS WITH AND WITHOUT WORK STOPPAGE OF LISI EMPLOYEES AND TEMPORARY WORKERS PER MILLION HOURS WORKED. 100 % OF SAFETY TRAINING / AWARENESS RAISING. 1 % OF ENERGY SAVINGS COMPARED TO N-1 CONSUMPTION. 0.4 % MINIMUM OF RENEWABLE ENERGY PRODUCED ON SITE. MAINTAIN OF THE CERTIFICATIONS ISO 14001 AND ISO 45001. CARRYING THE STRATEGIC VISION BEYOND OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE 49 LISI – 2022 INTEGRATED REPORT