LISI GROUP - Integrated report 2022

T he continuous efforts made towards innovation, the pillar of LISI’s development, enable each of the Group’s divisions to operate at the highest level in the markets in which it is present. The technological mastery offered by this capacity for innovation constitutes an essential competitive advantage. This necessary advance makes it possible to respond in the best possible conditions to present and future challenges.  BY MAKING A DIFFERENCE THROUGH INNOVATION € 32.1 M IN R&D IN 2022 CARRYING THE STRATEGIC VISION BEYOND The research and development work carried out by the Group in recent years has been outstanding. It has made it possible to bring out major innovations, in particular technological breakthroughs in our production processes. These efforts are reflected today in the share that new products represent in LISI’s sales.” – Christophe Lesniak Senior VP Industrial & Purchasing manager, LISI Group 44 LISI – 2022 INTEGRATED REPORT