LISI GROUP - Integrated report 2022

How has the New Deal plan evolved? The New Deal plan continued throughout 2022 in order to support the LISI Group in a context of return to growth marked by a macroeconomic environment severely disrupted by the conflict in Ukraine. What should we remember from 2022? 2022 was a year of recovery disrupted by various economic events: persistent volatility of demand in the automotive sector, a tight job market and the Russian- Ukrainian conflict, one of the consequences of which resulted in record inflation levels, particularly for raw materials. The New Deal plan made it possible to face these challenges, thanks to the structured monitoring of the action plans implemented to respond to these market vagarie. What were the main effects of these adjustments? The main actions undertaken to adapt to this context were of different types. We first entered into negotiations with our customers in order to neutralize the effects of the inflation as much as possible. We secured our human resources, thanks to the strengthening of communication, the creation of a new recruitment platform and the launch a campaign to promote the LISI employer brand. Finally, we took strong action to manage our working capital requirement (WCR) and maintain a positive operating Free Cash Flow, which is essential to ensure sustainable growth. All of these measures enable and will enable the Group to absorb the vagaries of a volatile macroeconomic environment while preserving the solidity of its economic model and its ability to rebound with a healthy financial structure, secure strategic supplies and production calibrated to follow the new growth cycle. 3 QUESTIONS TO Raphaël Vivet Chief Financial Officer, LISI Group CARRYING THE STRATEGIC VISION BEYOND 43 LISI – 2022 INTEGRATED REPORT