LISI GROUP - Integrated report 2022

1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 Pollution prevention Sustainable use of resources Health and safety at work Labor relations & social dialogue Communication and transparency CSR management CSR strategy and roll-out Human capital development Product quality Climate change Compliance with laws Biodiversity & natural habitat Fair supply chain practices Supply chain policy Sustainable consumption Involvement in the local community Development of local populations Protection of local populations Discrimination & Human Rights Respect for fundamental rights Duty of care and complicity Organizational governance Human Rights Relations and working conditions Importance for the interested party Criteria above 4 represent priorities for LISI and its interested parties. Environment Loyalty practices Communities and local development Consumer matters (B2B customers) Importance for the LISI business HIGHLIGHTING PRIORITY ISSUES The matrix displays, along the abscissa, the issues ranked from 0 to 5 according to their relevance for the stakeholder consulted. Along the ordinate are the issues ranked from 0 to 5 according to their relevance in terms of impact on LISI’s business. Updating this document has led to the emergence of an internal and external consensus on the 10 priority issues for LISI and on changes in expectations. These 10 issues include all topics greater than or equal to 4 on the abscissa or ordinate. ACTING FOR GREATER IMPACT MATERIALITY MATRIX 31 LISI – 2022 INTEGRATED REPORT