LISI GROUP - Integrated report 2022

2,000 TH AIR INTAKE LIP FOR AIRBUS INDUSTRIE LISI AEROSPACE delivered its 2,000 th air intake lip to Airbus Industrie in April. This critical part, which contributes to good air penetration into the engine and houses the de-icing system, was fitted to the 1,000 th A320 Neo equipped with CFM International’s Leap1-A engine. #AUTOMOTIVE #4.0 PLANT MÉLISEY AWARDED THE VITRINE INDUSTRIE DU FUTUR LABEL The Mélisey teams in France (LISI AUTOMOTIVE) received their Vitrine Industrie du Futur trophy from Alexandre Saubot, President of the Alliance Industrie du Futur, at the Global Industrie tradeshow in Paris. This award recognizes companies capable of offering innovative solutions combining new technologies and digital. At Mélisey, such solutions allow the management of the workshop in real time, closed-loop corrections and the collaborative processing of production problems. Read p. 65 (LISI AUTOMOTIVE 2022 Highlights). #EXCELLENCE #HSE LISI CONFIRMED ISO 14001 AND NEWLY CERTIFIED ISO 45001 The LISI Group has successfully passed its ISO 14001 (2015 version) and 45001 (2018 version) certifications. These standards, guaranteed by the International Organization for Standardization, define a series of complex requirements that a company must meet to be certified in terms of environmental management – for the ISO 14001 standard – and health and safety management in the workplace – for the ISO 45001 standard. They contribute, among other things, to the implementation of optimum working conditions, to the reduction of the impact on the environment and to taking into account the expectations of stakeholders. #4.0 PLANT #DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION FIRST DIGITAL DAY KICKED OFF AT STATION F Members of the Game Changers internal expertise network, which brings together employees who are sensitive to innovation issues, met at the Parisian incubator Station F for the first Digital Day organized by the Group. This day of meetings with start-up companies provided an opportunity to get together and discuss LISI’s digital transformation strategy. #GROUP #CSR #DEVELOPMENT SIGNING OF THE FIRST IMPACT LOAN The LISI Group has signed its first impact loan with BNP Paribas, the rate of which varies according to non- financial criteria (environmental, social, and governance). It therefore offers a financial advantage to companies that contribute to respect for the well-being of people and the protection of the environment. #AEROSPACE 01 03 MARCH 04 2022 / HIGHLIGHTS APRIL JANUARY 22 LISI – 2022 INTEGRATED REPORT