LISI GROUP - Integrated report 2021
LISI – 2021 INTEGRATED REPORT — 7 — Since 2019, the LISI Group has set up a steering committee to define its purpose. We decided to draft it following an internal collaborative process adapted to express our convictions forcefully. Our Raison d’Être As part of this process, we first consulted the Board of Directors in order to define the main guidelines, then the Executive Committee, whose mission is to build what will be our “raison d’être” (mission statement) tomorrow. This internal approach expresses a real choice and confirms the strong will to support our vision and to concretely represent what we do every day, our DNA. Our goal is to formalize and publicize our purpose over the coming year and to promote it widely both in-house and beyond. Be ready! TECHNOLOGY OPTIBLIND™ Offering innovative solutions for the aircraft of tomorrow.