LISI GROUP - Integrated report 2021
Income Statement (in €’000) 12/31/2021 12/31/2020 NET FINANCE INCOME (EXPENSE) 1,163,897 1,229,958 Changes in inventories, finished products and production in progress 22,478 (22,442) Total production 1,186,374 1,207,515 Other income* 35,549 39,507 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES 1,221,923 1,247,022 Consumed goods (334,126) (321,007) Other purchases and external expenses (251,354) (265,251) Taxes and duties (9,209) (12,317) Employee benefits expense (including temps) (473,756) (481,762) EBITDA 153,478 166,685 Depreciation** (94,641) (117,095) Net provisions 7,774 (8,082) CURRENT OPERATING PROFIT (EBIT) 66,611 41,509 Non‑recurring operating income and expenses (10,749) (69,618) OPERATING PROFIT 55,862 (28,109) Financing expenses and revenue on cash (5,304) (5,164) Revenue on cash 987 1,231 Financing expenses (6,291) (6,396) Other financial income and expenses 10,076 (11,595) Other financial items 34,738 31,866 Other interest expenses (24,662) (43,461) Taxes (including CVAE (Tax on Companies’ Added Value) (16,272) 7,323 PROFIT (LOSS) FOR THE PERIOD*** 44,362 (37,544) Attributable as company shareholders’ equity*** 44,048 (37,321) Non-controlling interests 314 (223) EARNINGS PER SHARE (IN €) 0.83 (0.71) DILUTED EARNINGS PER SHARE (IN €) 0.82 (0.70) * In order to provide readers of the financial statements with better information that is in accordance with international standards, in the 2021 financial statements the company has continued classifying revenues related to CIR (Research Tax Credit) as “Other income”, for an amount of €4.4 million at 12/31/2021, compared to €5.7 million at 12/31/2020. ** Depreciation, current operating profit (EBIT) and operating income were impacted, to the tune of +€21.1 million, following the extension of depreciation periods as of January 1, 2021 (application of IAS 8). *** Earnings for the period as well as the income attributable to equity holders of the Company were impacted, to the tune of +€15.6 million, following the extension of depreciation periods as of January 1, 2021 (application of IAS 8). Statement of comprehensive income (in €’000) 12/31/2021 12/31/2020 PROFIT (LOSS) FOR THE PERIOD 44,362 (37,544) Other items of overall income applied to shareholders’ equity Actuarial gains and losses out of employee benefits (gross element) (4,764) 6,693 Actuarial gains and losses out of employee benefits (tax impact) 1,892 (1,876) Other items of overall income that will cause a reclassification of income Exchange rate differences resulting from foreign operations 33,554 (30,116) Hedging instruments (gross element) (10,438) 6,667 Hedging instruments (tax impact) 2,206 (1,963) TOTAL OTHER PORTIONS OF GLOBAL EARNINGS FOR THE PERIOD, AFTER TAXES 22,449 (20,595) TOTAL OVERALL INCOME FOR THE PERIOD 66,811 (58,139) Hedging instruments mainly concern currency hedging instruments and, to a lesser extent, raw material hedging instruments. The negative amount of -€10.4 million is mainly due to the fall in the USD which symmetrically led to an increase in the fair value of the hedging instruments put in place as coverage against this decline. 84 — LISI – 2021 INTEGRATED REPORT Value Breakdown Financial data