LISI GROUP - Integrated report 2021

78 — LISI – 2021 INTEGRATED REPORT 2021 Performance start of 2021, leading to the reduction in the number of significant players as well as the streamlining of product ranges present in the market to focus on the best performers. What are your forecasts and areas of development for 2022? We are still moving forward on the way we have paved, consolidating the relationships of trust that we have built with our customers and playing our role as a partner in the development of the programs on which we are positioned. Despite the constraints linked to COVID, in 2020 and 2021 we managed to maintain our industrial developments and to follow our principals’ growth plans. The ramp-ups will be continuing into 2022. This is our priority, both in minimally invasive surgery (MIS) instruments, where we are gaining market share, and in orthopedic implants, where we are consolidating our positions. A Supplier Quality Award awarded in 2021 by one of our major clients, confirmed our level of performance. Our manufacturing sites will further specialize in 2022, with our production lines accelerating their automation in order to support the market dynamics. new technologies, can be seen in all major markets. To us, this is a very important area of development, which structures all of our efforts geared towards innovation, investment and operational excellence. The second key issue concerns the implementation in Europe of the EU MDR regulation (European Union Medical Device Regulation 745/2017), which since May 2021 has governed the procedures for placing medical devices in the market. This new regulation requires principals to ensure compliance and resubmit the technical files of all their old and new devices. These complex and costly procedures are now encouraging market players to streamline their product ranges, by focusing on high-volume or high-value-added products. Finally, the consolidation movement has been continuing, for example with the takeover of Wright Medical/Tornier by Stryker at the We are still moving forward on the way we have paved, consolidating the relationships of trust that we have built with our customers and playing our role as a partner in the development of the programs on which we position ourselves.” Lionel Rivet, Deputy CEO, LISI MEDICAL LISI MEDICAL LISI MEDICAL Hérouville-Saint-Clair