LISI GROUP - Integrated report 2020
3 _ STRATEGIC VISION _ Levers for action / Sustainable growth AREA #2 ENVIRONMENTAL FOOTPRINT: REDUCE THE IMPACT _ The 2030 vision: limiting the environmental footprint Between 2020 and 2030, LISI is committed to significantly reducing its environmental footprint: -30% greenhouse gas emissions, -10% energy consumption, 20% use of renewable energy. _ The progress accomplished in 2020 The year’s business was strongly impacted by the economic and health crisis. LISI had to adapt its organization to reduce its water and energy consumption during these periods of slower business while guaranteeing the safety of the manufacturing processes and the quality of the products. Quantities consumed per €1,000 of added value: -4% energy consumption vs 2018, -13% water savings vs 2018, -15% waste production vs 2018. _ The next steps By 2023, LISI will have reduced its consumption enough to no longer depend on water resources in areas of water stress. By this time, the Group will also have reduced its energy consumption by 5% compared to 2020; 10% of this energy consumed will be of renewable origin. Highlights INNOVATIONS TO REDUCE ENERGY CONSUMPTION In Q1 2020, the LISI AUTOMOTIVE site in Delle completed the heat recovery project from the heat treatment furnace. The objective was to heat the baths of the parts-washing machines from the heat generated by these furnaces. This allows saving 700 MWh per year and 125 tons of CO 2 per year. INNOVATIONS TO REDUCE WATER CONSUMPTION LISI AUTOMOTIVE’s site at La Ferté-Fresnel has set up an evapo-concentrator that can treat the wastewater from its surface treatment facilities so that the water can be reused. The site will thus be able to reduce its water consumption by nearly 63,000 m 3 per year. LISI: 2021 CLIMATE CHAMPION The “Climate Champions” ranking published by Challenges and produced with Statista details the annual reduction in companies’ greenhouse gas emissions. LISI ranks 52 nd . This reduction was calculated over several years and compared to the evolution of sales, then transformed into a percentage of annual reduction in emissions. Water and fossil fuel resources are dwindling on the planet. Consequently, the costs associated with the purchase of rawmaterials and energy increase. While stakeholders are increasingly interested in these environmental issues, particularly the carbon impact, improving the environmental footprint of industrial activities is now a necessity. Ambitious targets for reducing the environmental footprint have been set for 2030. UN Sustainable Development Goals