LISI GROUP - Integrated report 2020
LISI — 2020 INTEGRATED REPORT 49 AREA #1 HEALTH AND SAFETY ATWORK: ACHIEVING EXCELLENCE _ The 2030 vision: achieving HSE excellence By relying on the LISI E-HSE program (see p. 39), the Group is doing everything it can to control its risks and improve working conditions in order to reduce accidents at its sites. LISI undertakes to achieve a TF1* of less than 5 and to eliminate the arduous nature of the work positions. _ The progress accomplished in 2020 LISI is continuing its efforts to reduce accidents. The set objective of having fewer than eight work accidents with or without lost time per million hours worked has been achieved (TF1* at the end of 2020 = 6.91). The tools and actions of the LISI E-HSE program combined with the involvement of all supervisory and non-supervisory employees contribute to the achievement of these results. During the health crisis, the responsiveness and commitment of the teams made it possible to stay the course and guarantee the health and safety of employees. The satisfactory results obtained this year will have to be confirmed in 2021 before reaching the long-term objective. _ The next steps By 2023, 100% of the Group’s personnel will undergo at least one safety training each year. 100% of significant risks are covered by an action plan. And no more sites will have a TF1* greater than 10. Highlights The Group’s adaptation to the COVID-19 crisis required mobilizing the teams to supply all sites with protective equipment and to ensure the implementation and compliance with health protocols. Reassuring the teams, defining and implementing the measures that make it possible to be protected and to work in complete safety were everybody’s priority. * TF1 = Frequency rate of accidents with and without work stoppage of LISI employees and temporary workers per million hours worked. For LISI, the health of each employee is a priority. By controlling the risks associated with manufacturing processes and working environments, the Group ensures that each employee returns home in good health. Excellence in occupational health and safety and reducing accidents to a minimum are clearly performance factors for the company. UN Sustainable Development Goals