LISI GROUP - Integrated report 2020

1 2 3 4 5 6 2 3 4 5 Importance for the Interested party Importance for the LISI Business LISI — 2020 INTEGRATED REPORT 43 An approach that is part of the Group’s strategy Committed formany years to an active approach to sustainable development, the LISI Group wanted to further structure all of its action. In 2019, five strategic axeswere defined in terms of social responsibility. The CSRobjectiveswere included in theGroup’s strategy in 2020, thus raising the importance attached to its extra-financial and financial performance to the same level. Recent events linked to the COVID-19pandemic in 2020have not called into question either the approachor the objectives set. On the contrary, the crisiswill have given fullmeaning to the duty of responsibility towhich LISI is committed. Materiality matrix Safety and security of products Attract and retain talent Business ethics Responsible purchasing and CSR promotion in the value chain Preserving biodiversity Involvement in regions Energy efficiency Adapting to climate change Limited carbon impact Preservation of water resources Innovative and responsible products, eco-design Prevention of pollution and nuisances Social dialogue Situation posing a risk to Human Rights Health and safety at work Transition to the jobs of tomorrow Environment Social Supply Chain Society-related Safety of products and personnel The size of the circles reflects the level of control of the issue for the LISI Group Priority issues selected