LISI GROUP - Integrated report 2020

3 _ STRATEGIC VISION _ Levers for action / Operational excellence The LEAP program is deployed within the framework of the LISI SYSTEM, of which it is a key element. It is entirely dedicated to industrial performance. It is based on proven tools and methods that improve safety, customer service rate, productivity and increase quality. LEAP PROGRAM ENCOURAGING INDUSTRIAL EFFICIENCY For several years, LEAP has enabled factories to increase their rigor through the deployment of organizational systems, such as the organization in Units and Autonomous Production Groups (UAP/ GAP), of Lean management standards (A3 strategic plans, daily management routines such as Problem Solving Management, 5S), as well as specific tools (TPM, completion of Smed or Kaizen events projects, implementation of pull flows). All these approaches contribute to improving the flexibility and productivity of LISI’s plants. A major asset during the crisis This optimization of operating methods was initiated several years ago and has proven to be a major asset during the health crisis, allowing the Group to adapt and remain operational. The LEAP program has indeed encouraged the rapid implementation of the necessary organizational changes, and has made it possible to adjust the workforce on the production lines and to optimize inventory management to respond to significant fluctuations in demand. Carried out within the framework of proven procedures, this adaptation phase made it possible to preserve the financial results and the Group’s ability to bounce back.