LISI GROUP - Integrated report 2020

LISI — 2020 INTEGRATED REPORT 39 Risk management has always been a priority for the LISI Group. Since 2014, the company has relied on an internal improvement program dedicated to health, safety and environmental protection issues. Implemented under the name LISI Excellence HSE, it engages each employee towards the same ambition: to strive for excellence in all areas of the company’s health, safety and environment strategy. Designed to promote the emergence of a common culture of personal and collective risk management, the LISI E-HSE program is based on compliance with fundamental principles and the deployment of a set of tools aimed at the continuous improvement of our performance results. During the health crisis, the program proved its relevance by allowing the rapid adoption of the health protocols implemented across all of the Group’s sites. Auditing to protect LISI E-HSE integrates an internal audit module which makes it possible to assess the level of deployment of the program across the various Group sites. Such assessment, conducted by internal auditors, has 4 levels of maturity with increasingly high standards of requirement. Strongly impacted by the restrictions (border closures, confinement, etc.), the audit program planned for 2020 has been scaled back. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, specific audits were carried out in an extremely responsive manner to ensure the strict and immediate implementation of health measures on the sites. Towards the ISO 45001 standard The emergencies of the health crisis did not make us lose sight of our fundamental tasks. The year 2020 thus saw us prepare the transition from the OHSAS 18001 standard to ISO 45001. The new international standard, created in 2018, specifies the requirements of occupational health and safety management systems. To obtain the certification, scheduled for 2021, LISI has prepared a migration plan at the same time as the renewal of the ISO 14001 certification relating to environmental preservation. LISI E-HSE MEASURING AND MANAGINGTHE RISK A specific COVID-19 protocol Throughout the year, reinforced health protocols have been deployed across all of the Group’s sites in response to the development of the COVID-19 pandemic: recourse to teleworking when possible, systematic temperature reading at the entrance to the buildings, reinforcement of hygiene and disinfection measures at workstations, changing rooms and common areas, compulsory masks, physical distancing measures and reaction protocols in case of symptoms. Specific videos have been produced in each of the languages spoken within the Group to ensure a proper understanding of the health procedures and measures across all of the LISI Group sites. 2020 E-HSE REPORT 14 BRONZE PLANTS 38% OF THE SITES 6.91 / TF1 FREQUENCY RATE OF ACCIDENTS WITH AND WITHOUT WORK STOPPAGE OF LISI EMPLOYEES AND TEMPORARY WORKERS PER MILLION HOURS WORKED 5.06 / TF0 FREQUENCY RATE OF ACCIDENTS WITH WORK STOPPAGE OF LISI EMPLOYEES AND TEMPORARY WORKERS PER MILLION HOURS WORKED