LISI GROUP - Integrated report 2020

is an international subcontractor in the field of medical devices. It specializes in the productionof orthopedic implants and minimally invasive surgical instruments. Aplayer in a sector undergoing profound change, LISIMEDICAL supports its customers actively thanks to its industrial expertise, its ability to innovate and a recognized level of quality. Industrialization and logistics services Design and modeling, prototypes, pre-series, materials, process validation, continuous replenishment of inventories Reconstruction implants Shoulders, hips, knees, extremities, instruments Minimally invasive surgery components Blades, scissors, staplers, pliers  Spinal and trauma implants Connectors, screws, cages, plates, prostheses LISIMEDICAL MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ORIENTATIONS Increased volumes of joint implants An investment plan should make it possible to increase the production capacity in the segment of joint reconstruction implants, a fast-growing market. Support for innovation inminimally invasive surgery LISI MEDICAL is increasing its expertise and strengthening its presence with budding start-up companies in the segment of minimally invasive surgery. Supply of spinal and trauma implants LISI MEDICAL offers medical devices to treat trauma and promote osteosynthesis. Strengthening OEM services The division wishes to accelerate the offer of services to OEMs, such as the management of logistics contracts and inventory management. 1 _ PROFILE ADIVERSIFIEDOFFER