Universal Registration Document 2019
financial statements were approved regarding the health crisis caused by Covid-19, management has informed us that these will be covered in a communication to the Shareholders’ General Meetingconvened toapprove the financial statements. We certify the truthfulness of the information and its consistency with the annual financial statements relating to the terms of payment mentioned in Article D. 441‑4 of the French Commercial Code. Information regarding corporate governance We certify the existence, in the section of the Board of Directors’ Management Report dedicated to Corporate Governance, of the information required by Article L. 225‑37‑3 ‑and L. ‑225‑37‑4 ‑of ‑the French Commercial Code. With regard to the information supplied in application of the provisions of Article L. 225‑37‑3 of the French Commercial Code on compensation and benefits paid to corporate officers as well as on commitments approved in their favor, we have checked their consistency with the accounts or with the data used in the drawing-up of these accounts, and, where relevant, with the information gathered by your Company from companies controlled by it that are included in the scope of consolidation. On the basis of our work, we vouch for the precision and honesty of this information. With respect to the information relating to the factors that your company consider likely to have an impact in the event of a public offer for purchase or exchange, provided in application of the provisions of Article L. 225‑37‑5 of the French Commercial Code, we have verified their conformity with the document from which they were extracted and which was provided to us. On the basis of thiswork, we have no comments to make regarding this information. Additional information Pursuant to the law, we have ensured that the various pieces of information on shareholdings and control and the identity of holders of the capital or of voting rights have been provided to you in the management report. Disclosures arising from other legal and regulatory obligations Auditors appointment We were appointed as Statutory Auditors of LISI by your Shareholders’ General Meeting of June 2, 1993 for EXCO ET ASSOCIES and of April 27, 2011 for ERNST & YOUNG et Autres. At December 31, 2019, EXCO ET ASSOCIES was in the twenty-seventh consecutive year of its assignment and ERNST & YOUNG et Autres in the ninth year. Responsibilities of management and of those charged with corporate governance in relation to the Company financial statements It is management’s responsibility to draw up the Company financial statements giving a true and fair view in accordance with the French accounting rules and principles and to put in place the internal control that it deems necessary for drawing up the Company financial statements free of material misstatements, whether due to fraud or error. When drawing up the Company financial statements, it is the responsibility of management to assess the company’s capacity to continue its operations, to present in these financial statements, if applicable, the necessary information on the going concern assumption and to apply the going concern principle, unless it is planned to wind up the company or discontinue its operation. It is the responsibility of the Audit Committee to monitor the process of preparing the financial information and the effectiveness of internal control and risk management systems, and, if applicable, the internal audit systems, with regard to the procedures concerning the preparation and processing of accounting and financial information. The annual financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors. Responsibilities of Auditors relating to the audit of the Company financial statements Audit objective and approach It is our responsibility to prepare a report on the Company financial statements. Our objective is to obtain a reasonable assurance that the Company financial statements, taken as a whole, are free of material misstatements. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, without however guaranteeing that an audit conducted in accordance with professional standards systematically ensures that any material misstatement is detected. Misstatementsmay be due to fraud or errors and are considered as material where it is reasonable to expect that they can, taken separately or together, influence the economic decisions that users of the financial statements take based on them. As set out in Article L. 823‑10‑1 of the French Commercial Code, our task of certifying the financial statements does not consist in guaranteeing the viability or the quality of the management of your company. As part of our audit conducted in accordance with the professional standards applicable in France, the Auditor exercises his professional judgment throughout this audit. Furthermore: ■ the Auditor identifies and assesses the risks that the Company financial statements contain material misstatements, whether due to fraud or error, defines and implements audit procedures to tackle these risks, and 93 LISI 2019 UNIVERSAL REGISTRATION DOCUMENT Company financial statements 3