Universal Registration Document 2019
3.8 / Miscellaneous information ■ The Company directors and executives have not been given any advances or credits. ■ Compensation of executives stood at €760,431 for 2019 (compensation net of social security contributions, including the variable element and directors’ fees). ■ The overall compensation paid to the 5 highest-paid individuals totaled €1,544,712. ■ Headcount as of December 31, 2019 was 26 individuals. ■ Retirement commitments are not specified as the amount is insignificant. ■ The Company does not have any financial leasing agreements. ■ The fees recognized for the year ended December 31, 2019 for our statutory auditors, Ernst & Young and EXCO & Associés amount to €56,160. 3.9 / Events occurring since the close of the financial year The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has created uncertainty. At this point, it is difficult to measure the impact on business. The LISI Group is implementing appropriate measures for its employees and also meet the needs of its customers. Since the close on December 31, 2019, there has been no other significant impact on the financial performance of the Group. The potential future impact of the pandemic is very uncertain given the current situation and will, at the very least, significantly impact LISI Group’s first-quarter business. Scenarios using current conditions show that the Group’s business continuity is not at risk given the strength of its balance sheet. 4 / Financial results of LISI S.A. over the last five years (Articles 133, 135 and 148 of the decree on commercial companies) NATURE OF THE INDICATIONS (in €) 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 FINANCIAL POSITION AT YEAR-END Share capital 21,609,550 21,609,550 21,609,550 21,645,726 21,645,726 Number of shares issued 54,023,875 54,023,875 54,023,875 54,114,317 54,114,317 TOTAL RESULT OF ACTUAL OPERATIONS Pre-tax sales 8,456,734 9,363,861 9,716,967 9,696,638 10,020,772 Earnings before tax, depreciation and provisions 17,605,395 34,453,039 13,247,345 38,635,326 31,682,073 Income tax 11,797,426 (821,916) 12,774,597 1,255,673 12,241,197 Employee profit-sharing Profit after tax, depreciation and provisions 30,037,487 33,022,189 20,110,606 42,296,468 47,199,320 Distributed profit* 20,629,268 23,871,741 25,498,854 23,420,258 24,892,586 RESULT OF OPERATIONS PER SHARE Profit after tax, but before depreciation and provisions 0.11 0.65 0.48 0.74 0.74 Profit after tax, depreciation and provisions 0.56 0.61 0.37 0.61 0.61 Dividends allocated per share (net) 0.39 0.45 0.48 0.44 0.46 PERSONNEL Average headcount 21 21 25 24 26 Payroll (3,032,271) (3,148,301) (3,036,686) (3,528,399) (3,000,970) Amounts paid for benefits (social security, other employee benefits, etc.). (1,073,216) (1,163,753) (1,164,620) (1,415,436) (1,321,483) * After deducting the dividend for the treasury shares held by the Company for financial years 2015 to 2018. 91 LISI 2019 UNIVERSAL REGISTRATION DOCUMENT Company financial statements 3