Universal Registration Document 2019

Reciprocal commitments corresponding to interest rate swaps LISI S.A. has contracted interest rate swaps intended to hedge itself against an increase in interest rates on variable rate loans. The details as of December 31, 2019 are as follows: Nominal ((in thousands of euros) Capital remaining due (in thousands of euros) Fixed rate Maturity date Variable rate vs. fixed rate 5,000 5,000 0.9400% June-21 Variable rate vs. fixed rate 5,000 5,000 0.9400% June-21 Variable rate vs. fixed rate 10,000 10,000 0.9700% June-21 Variable rate vs. fixed rate 5,000 5,000 0.9525% June-21 Variable rate vs. fixed rate 5,000 5,000 0.9675% June-21 3.5  /  Subsidiaries and holdings 3.5.1  /  Elements regarding related companies and holdings (in thousands of euros) Related company amount with which the company has equity interests ASSETS: Receivables related to equity holdings 78,619 - Debtors and apportioned accounts 1,168 - Cash advances to subsidiaries 507,642 - Tax integration current account 0 - LIABILITIES: Receivables related to equity holdings Subsidiaries’ financial assistance 339,398 - Tax integration current account 389 - Suppliers 331 - INCOME STATEMENT: IT maintenance 31 - Reserves for equity interests 2,769 - Service and management fees invoices 9,993 - Rental invoices 21 - Miscellaneous chargebacks 423 - Revenues from subsidiaries’ loans and current accounts 6,737 - Revenues from equity interest 32,527 - 89 LISI 2019 UNIVERSAL REGISTRATION DOCUMENT Company financial statements 3