Universal Registration Document 2019

3 Company financial statements 1  /  Company activity during the financial year and future outlook 78 1.1  / Appropriation of earnings 79 1.2  /  Outlook for 2020 79 1.3  /  Financial risks related to the effects of climate change 79 1.4  /  Internal audit repository 79 1.5  /  Supplier and customer terms of payment 79 2  /  Financial statements 81 2.1  /  Income statement at 12/31/2019 81 2.2  /  Company balance sheet as at 12/31/2019 82 2.3  /  Cash flow statement at 12/31/2019 83 2.4  /  Change in shareholders’ equity at 12/31/2019 83 3  /  Notes to the company financial statements 84 3.1  /  Accounting principles and policies 84 3.2  /  Detail of balance sheet items 84 3.3  /  Detail of the main income statement items 88 3.4  /  Financial commitments 88 3.5  / Subsidiaries and holdings 89 3.6  /  Identity of the consolidating company 90 3.7  /  Award of performance shares 90 3.8  / Miscellaneous information 91 3.9  /  Events occurring since the close of the financial year 91 4  /  Financial results of LISI S.A. over the last five years 91 5  /  Statutory Auditors’ Report on the individual financial statements - Financial year ended December 31, 2019 92 77 LISI 2019 UNIVERSAL REGISTRATION DOCUMENT