Universal Registration Document 2019
4 LISI 2019 UNIVERSAL REGISTRATION DOCUMENT General information regarding the Company 1 1 / Person responsible for the Universal Registration Document and Statutory Auditors 1.1 / Name and function of the person responsible for the Universal Registration Document Mr. Emmanuel Viellard CEO 1.2 / Statement by the person responsible for the Universal Registration Document “I certify, after taking all reasonablemeasures for this purpose, that the information contained in this Universal Registration Document is, to my knowledge, consistent with reality, and includes no omissions likely to alter its meaning or interpretation. I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the accounts have been drawn up in accordance with the relevant accounting standards and give a true and fair viewof the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of the companies included therein taken as a whole, and the management report in Chapter 2 gives a true and fair view of the development of business, the profit or loss of the companies included therein taken as a whole together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties that it faces. Grandvillars, April 1 st , 2020 Emmanuel Viellard CEO 2 / Information policy 2.1 / Person in charge of financial information Mr. Emmanuel Viellard LISI 6 rue Juvénal Viellard CS 70431 GRANDVILLARS 90008 BELFORT Cedex Phone: +33 (0)3 84 57 00 77 Website: www.lisi-group.com Email: emmanuel.viellard@lisi-group.com 2.2 / Statutory auditors EXCO et Associés represented by Pierre Burnel 42 avenue de la Grande Armée 75017 PARIS Appointed April 25, 2017. Mandate to expire during the Ordinary General Meeting ruling on the financial statements for financial year ending December 31, 2022. Cabinet Ernst & Young et Autres represented by Pierre Jouanne Tour First 1 place des Saisons TSA 14,444 92037 PARIS LA DÉFENSE Cedex Appointed April 27, 2017. Mandate to expire during the Ordinary General Meeting ruling on the financial statements for financial year ending December 31, 2022 2.3 / Documentation ■ Universal Registration Document in French and English ■ Press release All documents are made available to the shareholders. They may either be requested from the Company’s head office or consulted on the Internet. Annual reports and quarterly updates, as well as all regulatory information are available to download from the website.