Universal Registration Document 2019

62 LISI 2019 UNIVERSAL REGISTRATION DOCUMENT Consolidated financial statements 2 - Tax breakdown Breakdown (in thousands of euros) Pre-tax earnings Tax* Profit (loss) after tax Current profit (loss) 151,401 (37,033) 114,367 Non-recurring operating expenses and revenues (44,836) 14,758 (30,079) Employee profit-sharing (4,834) 1,665 (3,169) Tax credits (16) (16) CVAE (Tax on companies’ added value) (7,292) (7,292) PROFIT (LOSS) FOR THE PERIOD 101,731 (27,919) 73,812 * of which taxes due: €-21,944 thousand of which deferred taxes: €+3,467 thousand of which withholding tax on profits received from abroad: €-2,133 thousand, of which tax credits: €-16 thousand of which CVAE (Tax on companies’ added value): €-7,292 thousand - Tax proof Tax proof at 12/31/2019 € millions % Earnings attributable to the Group 69.8 Minority interests (4.0) Recorded income tax (income tax+income tax credit+deferred tax+CVAE) 27.9 Profit (loss) before income tax 101.7 Parent company standard rate 34.43% Theoretical income tax/rate at 34.43% 35.02 125.47% DIFFERENCE Share of non-deductible expenses 1.17 4.2% Withholding tax on foreign dividends 2.13 7.6% Delta central rate/local rates (11.20) (40.1%) Tax credits 0.02 0.1% Activities not subject to taxation (3.44) (12.3%) Taxable share of foreign dividends (2.05) (7.3%) Taxes from prior periods (0.10) (0.4%) Unused tax losses 0.63 2.3% Tax consolidation France (0.94) (3.4%) Foreign tax consolidation 0.21 0.8% Transition Tax US 0.00 0.0% Macron Law increased depreciation and amortization (2.06) (7.4%) CIR (1.78) (6.4%) Tax Credit on wages 0.00 0.0% CVAE (Tax on companies’ added value) 4.78 17.1% Permanent differences 5.23 18.7% Other 0.54 1.9% INCOME TAX RECORDED TO THE INCOME STATEMENT (INCL. CVAE) 27.9 100.0% EFFECTIVE TAX RATE (TAX EXPENSE IN THE INCOME STATEMENT AS A RATIO OF PRE-TAX INCOME) 27.43% The tax charge, calculated on the basis of the corporation tax as a percentage of the net income before taxes, reflects an effective average rate of tax of 27.4%, stable compared with 2018 (25.9%).