Universal Registration Document 2019
54 LISI 2019 UNIVERSAL REGISTRATION DOCUMENT Consolidated financial statements 2 As per the revised IAS 19 standard, the rate of return on non- current funds is identical to the discount rate for actuarial liability. The rates of return thus employed are equal to 2.75% for American insurance plans and 2.19% for English ones. At December 31, 2019, the allocation of the plan assets was approximately 30% in equities and 70% in bonds for England. The following table sets out the changes, during financial year 2019, in the actuarial debt and the market value of the hedging assets (in millions of euros): Change in actuarial debt 2019 2018 ACTUARIAL DEBT AT YEAR START 66,869 63,500 Cost of services 2,242 2,139 Cost of accretion 1,553 1,545 Benefits paid (4,674) (2,729) Discounts (745) 0 Wind-ups 0 0 Past-service costs (29) 658 Change in consolidation scope (1,727) (3) Translation differences 848 (878) Actuarial losses (gains) 7,992 2,635 ACTUARIAL DEBT AT YEAR END 72,330 66,869 Change in market value of hedging assets 2019 2018 Opening value 23,332 24,755 Contributions paid by the Group 0 282 Benefits withheld from fund (2,760) (752) Wind-ups 0 0 Expected yield from assets 653 658 Translation differences 1,230 (190) Actuarial gains (losses) 3,139 (1,421) VALUE AT YEAR-END 25,594 23,332 The following table shows the reconciliation of amounts recognized in the Group’s consolidated financial statements and the above sums: In thousands of euros 12/31/2019 12/31/2018 LIABILITIES RECOGNIZED AT YEAR‑END (46,736) (43,537) The expense recognized as operating profit by the Group during the financial year 2019 as defined benefit plans amounted to €3.1 million and is broken down as follows: In thousands of euros 2019 2018 Cost of services 2,242 2,139 Cost of accretion 1,553 1,545 Expected yield from plan assets (653) (658) Past-service cost (29) 658 EXPENSE (REVENUE) RECOGNIZED 3,113 3,683 3.4.5 / Other non-current liabilities (in thousands of euros) 12/31/2019 12/31/2018 Deposits and sureties received 96 94 Debt due in more than one year 867 799 Employee profit-sharing in the financial year 3,556 841 Deferred income 6,717 6,717 TOTAL OTHER NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES 10,705 8,452