Universal Registration Document 2019

52 LISI 2019 UNIVERSAL REGISTRATION DOCUMENT Consolidated financial statements 2 Instruments which provide access to the company’s equity relate to the benefits conferred on managers and employees under certain conditions, as set out in Chapter 4 - CSR. They only concern existing own shares. - Dividends The amount of dividends for the 2019 financial year (not recognized) submitted to the Shareholders’ General Meeting on April 24, 2020, for approval breaks down as follows: Amount (in millions of euros) 2019 2018 TOTAL NET DIVIDEND 24.9 23.4 The estimated amount for 2019 is calculated based on the total number of shares, i.e. 54,114,317. The self-held shares at the date of payment of the dividend will not be eligible for the payment of any dividend. The amount of dividends for the 2019 financial year (not recognized) submitted to the Shareholders’ General Meeting on April 24, 2020, for approval breaks down as follows: Dividend per share (€) 2019 2018 DIVIDENDS PER SHARE 0.46 0.44 3.4.4  /  Provisions A provision is recognized on the balance sheet if the Group has a current, legal commitment or an implicit one arising from a past event and for which it is probable that there will need to be an outflow of resources in order to eliminate the commitment. They are measured at the estimated payment amount. If the effect of capitalizing provisions is not significant, capitalization is not carried out. Non-current provisions Non-current provisions are provisions not directly related to the operating cycle, whose due date is generally within more than one year. They also comprise provisions for environmental risks and provisions for retirement. Current provisions Current provisions cover the provisions directly related to the operating cycle of each division, regardless of their estimated due dates. Provisions for legal disputes concern mainly disputes with customers, subcontractors, and suppliers. Provisions for other current risks are mainly comprised of provisions for late penalties, provisions for layoffs, and other operating risks. - Changes in provisions break down as follows: (in thousands of euros) At January 1, 2018 Allowances (net of reversals) At December 31, 2018 Allowances Reversals (amounts used) Reversals (non used amounts) Actuarial gains/ losses out of shareholders’ equity Reclassifications - Other Entry into/exit from consolidation scope Translation differences At December 31, 2019 Pensions and retirement 39,378 4,159 43,537 3,113 (1,915) (745) 5,547 0 (1,727) (361) 47,450 Long-service medals 4,344 46 4,389 491 (336) (28) (136) 0 4,380 Environment-related risks 5,463 (2,391) 3,072 924 (426) (1,951) 110 0 18 1,746 Disputes and other risks 5,216 10 5,226 1,968 (3,862) (631) (180) (358) 12 2,174 Guarantees to customers 9,693 (443) 9,250 675 (17) (667) 0 0 1 9,242 For loss on contract 900 (900) 0 0 0 0 0 0 SUB-TOTAL NON- CURRENT PROVISIONS 64,995 481 65,475 7,171 (6,557) (4,022) 5,547 (70) (2,221) (331) 64,992 For loss on contract 0 (0) 0 235 0 (350) 115 0 0 0 Industrial reorganization 766 1,789 2,555 155 (868) (179) 0 0 39 1,701 Restructuring 747 (547) 200 68 (18) 0 0 0 2 252 Environment-related risks 158 859 1,017 100 (50) (40) 2,135 0 11 3,172 Disputes 748 (382) 366 164 (126) 0 0 (150) 5 258 Other risks 12,737 (3,472) 9,265 9,417 (3,006) (1,302) 3,256 (11) 64 17,684 SUBTOTAL CURRENT PROVISIONS 15,156 (1,753) 13,404 10,139 (4,068) (1,871) 0 5,506 (160) 121 23,069 GRAND TOTAL 80,151 (1,272) 78,880 17,309 (10,625) (5,893) 5,547 5,436 (2,381) (210) 88,063 of which as recurring operating profit 16,353 (8,668) (5,459) of which as non-recurring operating profit 956 (1,957) (434)