Universal Registration Document 2019

47 LISI 2019 UNIVERSAL REGISTRATION DOCUMENT Consolidated financial statements 2 Statement of non-current financial assets at close: (in thousands of euros) Other non-current investments Equity method investments Other financial assets TOTAL GROSS VALUES AT DECEMBER 31, 2018 6,758 2,172 8,930 Other changes 1,617 1,617 Acquisitions 37 6,593 6,630 Disposals (155) (182) (337) Scope changes (17) (17) Exchange rate differences 146 15 161 GROSS VALUES AT DECEMBER 31, 2019 8,403 8,581 16,984 IMPAIRMENT AT DECEMBER 31, 2018 8 8 Other changes Provisions for impairment Reversals of provisions for impairment Scope changes Exchange rate differences IMPAIRMENT AT DECEMBER 31, 2019 8 8 NET VALUES AT DECEMBER 31, 2019 8,395 8,581 16,977 - Financial assets and liabilities Financial assets Described in greater detail in below. Debt Interest-bearing loans are initially recognized at their fair value less costs attributable to the transaction. They are then valued at amortized cost. The difference between the cost and the repayment value is recognized in the income statement for the period of the loans, in accordance with the effective rate of interest method. Trade and other accounts payable Trade and other accounts payable are valued at fair value at first recognition, and then at depreciated cost. When the maturity of such financial assets is short, the sums obtained from applying this method are very close to the nominal value of the payables, which is then the value employed. Financial assets and liabilities recorded on the balance sheet are broken down into the following accounting categories and classes of financial instruments: Financial assets and liabilities on the balance sheet (in thousands of euros) As of 12/31/2019 Breakdown by instrument category Net value accounting Fair value Fair value via earnings Assets available for sale Loans and receivables Debt at depreciated cost Derivatives Non-current financial assets 16,977 16,977 16,977 Other non-current assets 9 9 9 Trade and other receivables 275,072 275,072 273,739 1,333 Cash and cash equivalents 236,809 236,809 236,809 TOTAL FINANCIAL ASSETS 528,867 528,867 236,809 290,725 1,333 Non-current borrowings 412,310 412,310 411,182 1,128 Other non-current financial liabilities (excl. PCA) 4,519 4,519 4,519 Current borrowings 156,423 156,423 156,423 Trade and other accounts payable 270,447 270,447 269,608 839 TOTAL FINANCIAL LIABILITIES 843,699 843,699 841,732 1,967